Veteran Peer Service

Peer support services help Veterans who use veteran health care services. Any Veteran can have mental health challenges. This may be trouble with addiction or other health issues. These can all affect your daily life and well-being.

Peer specialists are employees and Veterans. They have personal experience with recovery from a mental health condition. They are trained and certified mental health care professionals. They are part of interdisciplinary treatment teams. These teams have different types of health care professionals who work together to help you manage your needs.

Peer specialists provide peer support services to help other Veterans with similar experiences. They help Veterans work on their recovery and wellness goals.

What services do peer specialists provide?

Peer specialists can:


  • Be role models for Veterans by sharing their own recovery stories

  • Inspire hope and show that recovery is possible

  • Work with other health care professionals on treatment teams to support Veterans’ goals

  • Help Veterans grow and improve their problem-solving skills

  • Help Veterans find strengths, resources and skills to reach their goals

  • Guide Veterans to develop self-care skills to manage health conditions

  • Inspire Veterans to successfully speak for themselves

  • Talk with Veterans about VA and community resources

  • Connect Veterans to resources when needed

  • Help Veterans see their personal potential

  • Help Veterans believe in their ability to reach wellness and personal goals